損益計算書(Profit and Loss statement, Statement of income)は会社が一会計期間に獲得した利益を表す財務諸表です。一会計期間の売上高から売上原価、売上総利益、販売費および一般管理費、営業外収益、営業外費用、特別利益、特別損失、と収益と費用を差し引きして最後に残ったものが当期純利益となります。
グローバル時代に仕事をするうえで身に付けておきたい、損益計算書(Profit and Loss statement, Statement of income)でよく使用される英文勘定科目(Account title)は次のように表示されます。
損益計算書の勘定科目 売上から営業利益
売上原価(Cost of sales)
売上総利益(Gross profit)
販売費及び一般管理費(Selling, general and administrative expenses)
広告宣伝費(Advertising expense)
役員報酬(Directors’ compensation)
福利厚生費(Welfare expense)
交際費(Entertainment expense)
旅費(Traveling expense)
交通費(Transportation expense)
光熱費(Heating and lighting expense)
通信費(Communication expense)
修繕費(Repair expense)
消耗品費(Supplies expense)
租税公課(Tax and due)
貸倒引当金繰入額(Provision of allowance for doubtful accounts)
貸倒損失(Bad debt expense) of allowance for doubtful accounts)
貸倒損失(Bad debt expense)
研究開発費(Research and development expense)
法定福利費(Legal Welfare expense)
雑費(Miscellaneous expense)
営業利益/営業損失(Operating income/Operating loss)
損益計算書の勘定科目 営業外収益、営業外費用
営業外収益(Non-operating income)
受取利息(Interest income)
受取配当金(Dividend income)
受取賃貸料(Rent income)
為替差益(Foreign exchange gain)
受取手数料(Commission fee)
有価証券売却益(Gain on sales of security)
有価証券評価益(Gain on valuation of security)
固定資産売却益(Gain on sales of non-current asset)
損益計算書の勘定科目 営業外収益、営業外費用
営業外収益(Non-operating income)
受取利息(Interest income)
受取配当金(Dividend income)
受取賃貸料(Rent income)
為替差益(Foreign exchange gain)
受取手数料(Commission fee)
有価証券売却益(Gain on sales of security)
有価証券評価益(Gain on valuation of security)
固定資産売却益(Gain on sales of non-current asset)
営業外費用(Non-operating expenses)
支払利息(Interest expense)
売上割引(Sales discount)
有価証券売却損(Loss on sales of security)
株式交付費(Share issuance cost)
社債発行費(Bond issuance cost)
為替差損(Foreign exchange loss)
固定資産売却損(Loss on sales of non-current asset)
固定資産除却損(Loss on retirement of non-current asset)
固定資産廃棄損(Loss on abandonment of non-current asset)
棚卸資産処分損(Loss on disposal of inventory)
商品廃棄損(Loss on abandonment of goods)
創立費償却(Amortization of deferred organization expense)
経常利益/経常損失(Ordinary income/Ordinary loss)
損益計算書の勘定科目 経常利益から当期純利益
有価証券売却益(Gain on sales of security)
固定資産売却益(Gain on sales of non-current asset)
関係会社清算益(Gain on liquidation of subsidiaries and associates)
事業譲渡益(Gain on transfer of business)
補助金収入(Subsidy income)
合併関連費用(Merger expense)
有価証券売却損(Loss on sales of security)
投資有価証券売却損(Loss on sales of investment security)
固定資産除却損(Loss on retirement of non-current asset)
固定資産廃棄損(Loss on abandonment of non-current asset)
固定資産評価損(Loss on valuation of non-current asset)
税引前当期純利益/税引前当期純損失(Income before income taxes/loss before income taxes)
法人税等(Income taxes)
法人税等調整額(Income taxes‐deferred)
当期純利益/当期純損失(Profit/ Loss)[/login_user_only]